How businesses can thrive on Tiktok store in 2025

Traditionally, new businesses would need to set up a brick and mortar shop in the middle of their city to start selling.

But the world has changed significantly since then, with more routes than ever available for brand launch.

One such route is the Tiktok store, which can be extremely successful for some brands but also difficult to understand.

Here, I will discuss how businesses can thrive on the Tiktok store in 2025 and grow their brand successfully.

In short on time? These are the key teas

  • Emergency Promotion: Try to capture the attention of your audience before they decide to change and move forward.
  • Don’t be afraid of discount: Tiktok’s unique discounts are a great way to promote action by your viewers.
  • Limit Volume: By limiting volume, you ensure that viewers act because of the fear of losing out.
  • Engage with your audience: Engaging with the audience is essential to make your viewers feel heard and seen.
  • Focus on the images: Your background and setup must be impressive, as Tiktok is a video-first platform.
  • No dead air: The more dying air on your page, the more chance you give your audience to consider moving forward.

What is a Tiktok store?

Tiktok Shop is a feature within the Tiktok app where consumers can buy when browsing through the social media app.

Tiktok Shop is known to be one of the most popular social media apps, especially with the younger generation, and they can reach them where they are already much easier than convincing them to encounter your website or channels social.

If you use Tiktok yourself, you will notice that Tiktok stores seem infrequent as you scroll, displaying between the content you follow and what the algorithm recommends and send your way.

The videos are often a very passionate seller, communicating and engaging with the conversation confidently while also promoting products, regularly with some kind of emergency discount.

For those of you reading that is old enough to remember, this is the closest thing to a modern version of the TV shopping channels that you would trump on when flicking through terrestrial TV channels.

The statistics

That all sounds great, but what’s really impressive are the numbers behind Tiktok Shop. In 2024, there were as many as 264,500 Tiktok stores, with the gross goods value sitting on just over 11 billion dollars!

The main winners are fashion and beauty brands, with beauty and personal care (22.50%), women’s clothing and underwear (12.56%), and men’s clothing (8.06%) dominating the market.

However, other industries such as health (5.42%) and phones and electricity (3.88%) also have sufficient market share.

You can see many more insights and data in this wonderful report by Irrationality.

How to be successful on Tiktok store

Now that you know some of the amazing numbers behind Tiktok Shop, let’s discuss how to be successful on the platform. After all, setting up a Tiktok store does not guarantee success. You need to make sure your store is well established and you do everything you can to bring in new customers.

Promoting urgent

The first tactic to be aware of is the need to promote urgent when selling on Tiktok. Consumer engagement time by post is so short that you need to capture their immediate attention by promoting the need for urgent action.

Not only that but the more time you give your viewers to weigh up and consider whether they should buy from you, the more chance they choose to change and move on without buying from you.

Of course, I am not saying that you should lie to promote urgency to your audience, but you should use incentives to stimulate fast action.

Don’t be afraid of discount

One of the best ways to do that is by offering a ‘here and now’ discount that is not available on your website. This tactic is very common on Tiktok and motivates viewers to operate now rather than waiting or moving on from your store.

Not only that, but you could also run casual gifts to those who comment on the live video. People love the idea of ​​winning things for free, even when it’s not something they need! Also, by doing this through the Video Comments section, you also pleasure the gods of Tiktok algorithm with your user interaction, which in turn will mean that your store is shown to more potential customers, and the circle continues.

Volume limit

Another way to promote action is to limit volume. You will notice that most of these tips focus not only on keeping your audience for longer but also driving them to action.

By restricting the volume (AKA, indicating that only three are left in stock), you pull fear of people from losing out. This approach will push some people who were unsure about buying to buy out of fear, if they do not act now, they will lose out.

Again, it is important to keep the ethical attitude of your business in mind here. If you say you just sell 10 items at a set price, it’s important that you stick to that and not expand the offer or lie about the volume.

Not only is this unethical, but your audience will quickly see what you do and move on while also not trusting you in the future.

As a small business founder, everything is trust, and building a loyal customer base is the first step to achieving long -term sustainable growth.

To engage with your audience

Another essential suggestion for success on the Tiktok store is to engage your audience. Keep an eye on the incoming comments, as they are likely questions about your product, similar to what you would see answered on the FAQ page.

Not only will this turn those potential customers into payers, but it also shows other viewers that you listen and engage, which adds authenticity and trust, two essential signals on for new brands seeking to get a foothold in the market.

Focus on the images

Next, it’s important not to forget the importance of images on the Tiktok store. According to Digay, As many as 75% of social media users scroll their apps with the sound on mute.

Therefore, the only way to catch their attention is by providing them with interesting and engaging visuals.

That means being aware of the background you stream live from, as well as the lighting situation and where you are located within the frame.

This may all seem like little things, but they all add to make sure more people stay on your video for longer.

It is also important to show physical copies of the product you sell. Not only will this excite viewers, but it also makes them more reliable that you send the product if they buy.

No dying air

Finally, any dead air is an opportunity for your audience to change and move forward. Practice your talk to the camera by doing the same in the mirror, breaking out any blank space in your sale, and trying to cut out any mummy words or fill as ‘um’.

Unfortunately, this becomes more natural for some people compared to others! But it’s also a skill you can work on.

After all, practice does perfectly!

Final thoughts

Do you want to convert the Tiktok store to drive the growth of your business in 2025? Discovered proven strategies and specialist tips with FOUNDD+.

For just $ 1, unlock immediately access to over 30+ expert -led courses and 1,000+ tailored lessons to help you exceed Tiktok and beyond. Join a vibrant community of progressive founders who master the art of online sales.

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