How to develop leadership skills in 2025 with these best tips

As a founder, there are many things you have to consider, such as product development, marketing, accounts, and much more (much!).

Understandably, it can be easy to get caught up in the day -to -day demands and not think enough about the steps you have to take for your future business.

One such step is to develop excellent leadership skills. In this article, I will share some great tips with you that you can use to develop leadership skills in 2025 and make sure you are perfectly positioned to grow and graduate your business effectively.

In short on time? These are the key teas

Working on your emotional intelligence: The best leaders are willing to accept the needs of their team.

Think flexibly: As a small team leader, flexibility is key for continued success.

Challenge regularly and respectfully: Don’t be afraid to challenge your team, but do it in the right way.

Understanding motivations: Not all of your team will be motivated by the same prizes and goals.

Over -communication: In a small dynamic team, there is no such thing as too much communication.

Why is leadership so important to founders?

First, let’s touch why leadership is so important to companies founders. After all, as a founder, you may not have a team working for you right now, and your main focus is on more short -term objectives, such as product ideal and Building a community.

However, while most of your efforts should certainly be on the success of the close term of your business, you should also have at least one eye towards the future.

It is much better to have high quality leadership skills in place before you on the board of staff or work with freelancers regularly rather than losing valuable time trying to learn after they join.

The difference between large and weak leadership can have a commemorative impact on the success of your brand, and given that it is still in its infancy, you need to give yourself every opportunity to succeed!

4 ways to improve your leadership skills

With that in mind, let’s look at a few ways you can improve your leadership and make sure you’re ready to be the founder your team needs to be.

Think flexibly

Just as you have to think flexibly and adapt quickly to get a successful brand on the ground, you also have to be flexible with your leadership.

As a growing small business founder, hiring the right people for your team is absolutely essential. You need someone who can work in a small, highly driven, and open team learning on the job.

After all, you may hire someone to make a specific role, but that role is likely to change and differently on a daily basis, depending on your needs.

So, you have to be flexible with how you hire, as this will improve the quality of the candidate you take greatly, making your role as a leader much easier.

Once you have boarded someone’s board, you must also be flexible with your expectations as they get their feet under the table. Remember, you set up the business, so you know everything outside. Before he even became a brand, you had a full understanding of it in your head!

Understand that it might take longer for some team members to adapt to the business you have created, and try to provide the time and resources they need to succeed.

Challenge regularly and respectfully

As a leader, sometimes it can feel difficult to challenge those who work for you. After all, you do not want them to take any constructive feedback in person, and definitely you do not want to motivate them.

However, if you do not regularly challenge your team to strive for the absolute bust, you will find it difficult to continue to grow your brand quickly and effectively.

That’s why you need to develop the art of challenging without crime. When providing feedback, make sure you call your employee’s great work as often as you challenge things you want to do differently.

Also, when you challenge things, do it in a completely pragmatic way, ensuring that none of your feedback can be taken in person.

It is also important to ensure that any challenges are held as a discussion, where your team feels confident pushing back, adding their own thoughts, and contributing to changes. Businesses that allow their team to feel like they are heard and their views are validated tend to be significantly more successful. That is especially true for small businesses, which need to be highly adaptable and flexible.

Finally, remember that each person is unique in how they like to receive constructive feedback or criticism. What works for you may not be right for them, so always remember what they prefer and try to make them as comfortable as possible with the process.

Understanding motivation

It is also very important to consider what motivates your team. A good leader will do everything they can to understand the motives of their staff, as this can help greatly improve productivity and output.

After all, while your passion may be the success of your business, that may not be the case for your staff, and it is important to understand that that is absolutely right!

Instead of trying to get them motivated by the top line of the business, ask them what they would like to see as rewards for achieving performance goals. It may be more time off, it can be more work-from-home flexibility, it can be even more of a charge.

Whatever the case, you can then use that as your motivation to achieve goals and exceed expectations, as this will have a much greater impact than just asking them to care more.

For many people, a job is a job. Some people are supposed to start a business, and others not. Once you realize this, and realize that there is no problem, and with the right motivations that these staff can be very productive, you will find many more results.


Finally, there is no such thing as over -communication for a small business leader. Small businesses require workers to wear many different hats, and as a result, things are easy to lose.

A great leader ensures not only that everything stays on track but also that staff members have the time and support they need to succeed, and only of constant communication lines come.

That does not mean that you should be asking for consistent project updates and looking digitally over their shoulder all the time, nevertheless. That is micro-control, and no workers will stick around for a long time if you lead yourself this way!

However, it means you make sure you push your team to update you where possible and make them feel like they can ask any questions they need to succeed.

Final thoughts

To effectively improve your leadership skills, explore the resources available at FOUNDD+. By registering for only $ 1, you immediately access an extensive collection of over 30 courses and more than 1,000 lessons, all experts -led in the industry. F

Oundr+ offers valuable educational content and links you to a community of progressive entrepreneurs. To start your journey towards becoming a stronger leader, Sign up now.

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